The Joys of Gathering in Community
First up, let’s talk health. No, seriously. Community gatherings can boost your health!
Take a Hike!
Mental Health: Imagine your mind as a cluttered attic, full of worries, to-do lists, and random song lyrics you can’t shake. Hiking is like a giant broom that sweeps it all away. Being in nature reduces stress, improves mood, and boosts mental clarity. It’s like therapy, but cheaper and with better views. And if you hike with friends, you get the added bonus of social interaction – and someone to help you find the trail when you inevitably take a wrong turn.
I’m Not Getting in That Ocean, It’s Too Dang Cold!
Did you know that cold water therapy has amazing benefits?
You don’t even need to get all the way into the water, just start with a toe dip… then let the water rush over the ankles. Cold water can help reduce inflammation, relieving localized pain. If your feet are swollen, you have a foot injury or other bodily aches and pains, then cold water can do you good ( after the initial shock wears off… which it quickly does).
Our feet are meant to touch the earth and we are blessed to live on the stunning Central Coast with the ocean right here. Don’t take it for granted. Next time you go for a morning walk, take those shoes off ( if that’s a challenge - go back and read our last article about touching your toes!) and get those toesies wet.
Not only can it help relieve pain and inflammation, cold water can also boost our mood and shift feelings of depression or frustration. So next time your spouse ticks you off, take a cold dip before things get more heated.
If you are feeling up to a full system reboot- take a quick dip in that ocean ( or even a quick cold shower at home). This will increase your circulation, redistributing freshly oxygenated blood to the body. If that’s not enough to get you in the water, another benefit is enhanced immunity. The shock of cold water on the system activates leukocytes in your body, those are the blood cells that fight off infections.
The information above comes from UCLA Health. If you are unsure if cold water is right for you, check with your physician.
We’ll see you at the beach!
Help! I Can’t Touch My Toes!
Next one might say, “Well I’m just not flexible. Never was, never will be”. Flexibility isn’t a God-given trait and something that is set in stone. Of course others may be more naturally bendy than some, but flexibility is one of those things that just takes patience and practice. When we stretch and work the muscles of the body they become more supple and pliable. We can move safely throughout our day without worrying we are going to tweak something.
How to Breathe Your Way to a Healthier Life
We don’t need a doctor to tell us that breathing is good for us. It’s an essential part of life that our body automatically does for us. But what if we became more aware of each breath and started focusing on the quality and the intention behind each breath?
Let’s look at two parts of the nervous system- the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system. Each has its purpose. The sympathetic nervous system governs our fight or flight mode. It’s what keeps us safe from predators. We can be in fight or flight all day, with no real predators besides the predators of our minds alone could be enough to keep the body in high alert. The parasympathetic nervous system is in charge of the rest and digest response. It’s the part of the nervous system that activates when we feel safe and relaxed. Without any outside stressors to battle, the parasympathetic nervous system signals the body to rest, digest and relax.
When we breathe deeply we can switch on the power of the parasympathetic nervous system.
Try this- inhale for a count of two and then exhale for a count of four. Repeat that a few times.
Now inhale for a count of three and exhale for a count of six. Repeat.
Lastly , inhale for a count of four and exhale for a count of eight. Repeat a few times. Pause and notice. How do you feel?
Does the body feel more relaxed? If so, you just helped activate the power of your body’s rest and digest response with the simple awareness of the breath. Way to go!