I’m Not Getting in That Ocean, It’s Too Dang Cold!

Did you know that cold water therapy has amazing benefits? 

You don’t even need to get all the way into the water, just start with a toe dip… then let the water rush over the ankles. Cold water can help reduce inflammation, relieving localized pain. If your feet are swollen, you have a foot injury or other bodily aches and pains, then cold water can do you good ( after the initial shock wears off… which it quickly does). 

Our feet are meant to touch the earth and we are blessed to live on the stunning Central Coast with the ocean right here. Don’t take it for granted. Next time you go for a morning walk, take those shoes off ( if that’s a challenge - go back and read our last article about touching your toes!) and get those toesies wet. 

Not only can it help relieve pain and inflammation, cold water can also boost our mood and shift feelings of depression or frustration. So next time your spouse ticks you off, take a cold dip before things get more heated. 

If you are feeling up to a full system reboot- take a quick dip in that ocean ( or even a quick cold shower at home). This will increase your circulation, redistributing freshly oxygenated blood to the body. If that’s not enough to get you in the water, another benefit is enhanced immunity. The shock of cold water on the system activates leukocytes in your body, those are the blood cells that fight off infections. 

The information above comes from UCLA Health. If you are unsure if cold water is right for you, check with your physician. 

We’ll see you at the beach!


Take a Hike!


Help! I Can’t Touch My Toes!