Help! I Can’t Touch My Toes!

Now, one might ask, who cares if I can’t touch my toes?  It may seem like it has nothing to do with anything, but in fact, our flexibility can play a big role in our overall health, especially as we age. 

Do you ever drop something on the floor and need to pick it up?

If our bodies are stiff and tight we can risk pulling a muscle or throwing out our back just to pick our keys back up off the floor.

Next one might say, “Well I’m just not flexible. Never was, never will be”. Flexibility isn’t a God-given trait and something that is set in stone. Of course others may be more naturally bendy than some, but flexibility is one of those things that just takes patience and practice. When we stretch and work the muscles of the body they become more supple and pliable. We can move safely throughout our day without worrying we are going to tweak something. 

But where to start? Anywhere! Just start. 

Try this: stand up. Have your feet parallel and hip’s distance apart. Inhale  and reach your arms up to the sky. Put a gentle bend in the knees and fold yourself in half so your belly lays over your thighs. Bend the legs as much as needed until your belly touches your thighs. Now try to keep that contact and straighten the legs just a touch. Feel that? That’s your hamstring muscles. Breathe. Stay for a few breaths, gradually straightening the legs just a little. 

If hanging upside down gets you dizzy, sit on the floor with legs out straight. Keep the spine tall as you reach for your toes. Stop reaching forward before your back starts to round. Stay for a few breaths. That’s it. It takes one minute. Remember though, the key is one minute a day. Not once a week or once a month. Start now and then reflect back on this when you read the next edition of Everyday Wellness.


I’m Not Getting in That Ocean, It’s Too Dang Cold!


How to Breathe Your Way to a Healthier Life